Once you have booked your travel, you will receive an email indicating the status of your flight booking. You can also check the status of your booking by visiting the My Trips section by logging in to your Blinctrip account online or by downloading our mobile app.
Your tickets will be issued within minutes of payment being received, unless you have selected a special service that may require additional confirmation from the airline or a third party service provider (for e.g. special assistance, travelling with pets etc.). In some cases, it may take up to 24 hours to receive a confirmation.
We conduct numerous security checks in order to guarantee a secure transaction. This can sometimes delay the issuance of your tickets for a few hours. If your transaction does not pass our security checks, we will contact you via email.
If you have received an email indicating that your booking is being processed but haven’t received an update after 24 hours, please write to us at support@blinctrip.com and we'll get back to you shortly.
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